Month: June 2019
The Danger In “They”
I find when I catch myself using the word “they”, or worse yet, “everyone” I have slipped into a dangerous spot. Slid down the slope into self pity. Gotten turned around on the moor of self-delusion. This is victim verbiage. Language used to isolate myself in the deception that no one else has pain as
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There is a composition by Thomas Newman called Any Other Name and when it comes on I have the instant reflex to skip it. Not because it is unpleasant, but because it is so beautiful. It pushes on an ache in my soul that is always there, but most days drowned out by louder sounds
Continue Reading...Nostalgia Without Emotional Pruning.
It has been 3 years since I posted. So, I think that makes me an official failed blogger. But I am back, and they say how you finish is more important than how you start. I have many excuses for why I stopped blogging, I will spare you the details but I can summarize by
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